An incomplete listing of SEN related presentations at the 2016 Fall AGU Meeting. We tried to crowdsource this, but ended up searching the AGU Fall Meeting Schedule by ourselves and simultaneously (1) got a headache and (2) was amazed at all of the experimental work going on.
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- 8:00, V11C-2794 Experimental Determination of Bed Conditions in Concentrated Pyroclastic Density Currents, Amelia Winner et al., 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 11:35, EP12B-06 Controls of Ice Cover on Arctic Delta Morphodynamics and Depositional Processes, YeJin Lim et al., 11:35, Moscone West 2003
- 13:40, OS13C-1833 Formation of Cyclic Steps due to the Surge-type Turbidity Currents in a Flume Experiment, Miwa Yokokawa, 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, OS13C-1838 Break-of-slope linked to unexpected downstream grain size coarsening in experimental and natural turbidites, Florian Pohl et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 8:00, EP21C-0890 Towards an Analytical Model for the Seismic Signal Generated by Debris Flows, Maxime Farin et al., 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 8:00, EP21C-0903 Debris Flows in a Changing Climate: Experimental and Field Investigations of the Influence of Changes in Moisture on Matrix Properties, Interparticle Interactions, and Subsequent Debris Flow Behaviors, Kimberly Hill et al., 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- EP23D-01 Experimental Exploration of Particle-Scale Bed Load Transport and Near-Bed Fluid Velocities, 13:40, Siobhan Fathel et al., Moscone West 2007
- 13:40, EP23A-0929 Grain Size Variation, Discharge Rate, and Delta Island Formation, Indre Altman and Wonsuck Kim, 13:40 Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, GC23D-1271 Experimental Investigation of River Avulsion and Land-Loss on a Backwater-Influenced Delta Undergoing Sea Level Rise, Kirby Sikes et al., Moscone South Poster Hall
- 15:12, IN23F-07 Understanding Geomorphological Processes on the Earth’s Surface from Laboratory Experiments and the Role of Communities of Practice in Generating Reusable Data, Leslie Hsu, 15:12, Moscone West 2002
- EP31A-0927 Particle Size Reduction in Geophysical Granular Flows: The Role of Rock Fragmentation, 8:00, Gionata Bianchi and Leonard Sklar, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 11:20, EP32C-05 Bedform stability in steep gravel-bedded streams from field and flume data, Marisa Palucis et al., 11:20 Moscone West 2005
- 13:40, EP33C-1003 Sediment and Vegetation Controls on Delta Channel Networks, Rebecca Lauzon et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, EP33A-0965 Winnowing and Flocculation in Bio-physical Cohesive Substrate: A Flume Experimental and Estuarine Study, Yeiping Le et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, EP33D-1011 Sensing fluid pressure during plucking events in a natural bedrock channel and experimental flume, Clare Wilkinson et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 14:30, NH34B-03 Impact of Diverse Hydrologic Pathways, 3D Failure Geometries, and Unsaturated Soil Suctions on Shallow Landsliding, Mark Reid et al., 14:30, Moscone South 306
- 8:00, ED41A-0765 Bed structure and bedload transport: Sediment grain reorientation in response to high and low flows in an experimental flume, Megan Gurer et al., 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 10:20, EP42A: Integrating Experimental, Numerical, and Theoretical Studies of Suspended-load and Bedload Transport I, 10:20, Moscone West 2005
- 11:20, EP42A-05 Testing and Modeling Particle Excursion Lenghts for a Wide Range of Flow Conditions, Suleyman Naqshband and Brandon McElroy, 11:20, Moscone West 2005
- 13:40, NH43B-1854 Standard geological samples of tsunami deposits made in a large wave flume, Takumi Yoshii et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 8:00, EP51A-0881 Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around interacting barchan dunes in a novel flume environment, Nathaniel Bristow, 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 8:00, EP51A-0862 Numerical and Physical Experiments on the Effect of Variations in Channel Width on Gravel-Bed River Morphodynamics, Jacob Morgan and Peter Nelson, 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 8:00, PA51A-2255 Promoting Art through Technology, Education and Research of Natural Sciences (PATTERNS) across Wyoming, A Wyoming NSF EPSCoR Funded Project, Brandon Gellis and Brandon McElroy, 8:00, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, EP53G-01 Variation in Sediment Mobility and the Active Width in Gravel-bed Braided Rivers, Sarah Peirce, Moscone West 2005
- 13:40, EP53A-0920 Decoupling flood and interflood deposits for delta island formation and channel bifurcation, Max Sasha Daniller-Varghese and Wonsuck Kim, 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, EP53C-0989 Evaluating 2D models for fluvial bedform morphodynamics using flume experiments with profiling ADVs over a mobile sand bed, Robert Mahon et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, EP53E-1031 Scaling and normalization of river bathymetry spectra and bedform velocity, Michele Guala et al., 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:40, EP53E Integrating Experimental, Numerical, and Theoretical Studies of Suspended-load and Bedload Transport II Posters, 13:40, Moscone South Poster Hall
- 13:55, EP53G-02 Spatio-temporal evolution of alluvial sand beds under unsteady flow, 13:55, Annie Ockelford et al., Moscone West 2005
- 14:10, EP53G-03 Hydrograph Shape Controls Channel Morphology and Organization in a Sand-Gravel Flume, Laura Hempel et al., 14:10, Moscone West 2005
- 15:25, EP53G-08 How Do River Meanders Change with Sea Level Rise and Fall?, Julianne Eileen Scamardo and Wonsuck Kim, 15:25, Moscone West, 2005
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