Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 2013 Announcements and Opportunities

Dear Sediment Experimentalists,

Please read below for several opportunities to share, use, and link your experimental data and results:
  1. Linking Experimental Data and Models
  2. Data Rescue
  3. EarthCube Member Connections Site
  4. Amtrak Club: Soil to Sea Geomorphology (registration deadline May 6)
Contact us with any questions or comments!
Sediment Experimentalists

1. Linking Experimental Data and Models

Data and models go hand in hand. Experimentalists tend to have lots of data, and modelers tend to be looking for data for model validation and testing. Several recent efforts in the CSDMS (Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System) and EarthCube communities encourage and facilitate the connection of data and models. Sediment Experimentalists can help the cause by exposing our datasets, documenting them properly, and engaging modelers in dialog for how to best connect data and models.

The recent CSDMS meeting took on this topic in the Terrestrial Working Group breakout session, and data subgroup was born (see the CSDMS TWG data page). We also have a space on the CSDMS site to collect general ideas of linking experimental data and models (see the CSDMS Experimental Data wiki page). Email us at if you want to participate or have ideas for improving data-model connections.

2. Data Rescue

Where will your data be in 20 years? Rescuing data that is in danger of being lost on old disks or paper printouts is a growing priority in the science community and beyond.

Check out the International Data Rescue Award in the Geosciences, organized by Elsevier Research Data Services and IEDA (Integrated Earth Data Applications). The award was established to improve the preservation and access of research data in the Geosciences, particularly of dark data, and to share the varied ways that these data are being processed, stored, and used. The winner of the challenge will receive a $5000 prize at the American Geophysical Union meeting in December 2013.

3. EarthCube Member Connections Site

Be on the leading edge of Earth Science Cyberinfrastructure and create a profile in the EarthCube Member Connections site (small print: requires Silverlight and does not work on the Chrome browser). The site matches disciplinary scientists with cyberinfrastructure experts, making it easier to connect science and technology to build helpful Earth Science applications.

Instructions on how to join are posted (link), but email us if you have any questions or need help completing your profile. The first step is to sign up for an account the EarthCube site, and when you do, be sure to join other Sediment Experimentalists in the Experimental Stratigraphy group!

4. Amtrak Club Soil to Sea Geomorphology

An announcement from our friends:

Attached (note: attached to the original email) is the FINAL FLYER for the 2nd annual symposium "Soil to Sea Geomorphology".  The aim of this symposium is to facilitate the formation of a regional network of scientists studying all aspects of Earth-surface science. It is inspired by community-building events such as the annual Gilbert Club meeting following AGU, and in that spirit there will be ample time for discussion and socializing. Three aspects that make Soil to Sea Geomorphology different, however, are: (1) a majority of presentations will be given by graduate students and postdocs, to give exposure to and encourage constructive discussion of their work at an early stage; (2) attendees will hail from locations typically within a 1-day Amtrak ride, in order to build and strengthen ties among regional institutions that may lead to future collaborations. Thus, we whimsically refer to this new symposium as the “Amtrak Club"; and (3) we anticipate future events changing the venue location and moving among Mid-Atlantic Universities that are willing to host it.

The second Amtrak Club meeting will be held on the campus of The Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, May 17-18, 2013. The format will be five thematic sessions spread over two days, covering topics such as: landscape evolution, sediment transport and soil production, coastal processes and the sedimentary record, and response of landscapes to anthropogenic disturbances. Each session will feature prominent keynote speakers, while the rest of the slots will be filled with graduate students and postdocs. We have secured some support from The Johns Hopkins University, which allows us to cover some symposium costs.  It is our intention to keep the conference costs minimal to encourage a large number of our colleagues and their graduate students/postdocs to attend.

Our invited speakers will be:
Mark Brandon (Yale), Pat Wiberg (UVA), Karen Prestegaard (UMD), Tess Thompson (VT), Enrica Viparelli (USC)

Registration is open! Registration, abstract, logistics, and housing information in the attached flyer.

Important dates:
Registration and 1-Page abstract deadline….      May  6, 2013

Please help us in advertising this conference!  You can help by posting the attached and future circulars and by encouraging your graduate students and post-docs to submit an abstract. If you have suggestions or comments, and if you do or do not want to be included in future, please send a note to   


The 2013 Amtrak Club Organizing Committee:

Jane Willenbring (University of Pennsylvania)
Doug Jerolmack (University of Pennsylvania)
Ben Horton (University of Pennsylvania)
Katie Skalak (U.S. Geological Survey)   
Peter Wilcock (John Hopkins University)


Friday, May 3, 2013

International Workshop on Stratodynamics

The International Workshop on Stratodynamics will be held August 28-30, 2013, at Nagasaki University in Japan.

The international workshop “Stratodynamics” aims to develop a new research framework for understanding sedimentary processes, geomorphology and genetic stratigraphy on the basis of morphodynamics of earth surface processes. The topics in the workshop will include experimental and theoretical studies of bedforms, geomorphological processes and the genetic stratigraphy. We also welcome research based on field measurement, computational modeling and coupled interdisciplinary works. Workshop discussion will focus on basic concepts, future research targets, and user requirements for accessing experimental data and advanced experimental technologies to address grand challenges in stratodynamics.

The workshop will include keynote speakers, small-group discussion sessions, community flume experiments, and oral and poster presentations from participants.

See the flyer for more information about the workshop agenda.

To register please contact the organizing committee at
Registration deadline: July 15th 2013