Wishing plentiful, efficient, and accurate data collection for those of you in the laboratory this summer.
Here is a list of opportunities that you won't want to miss!
- SEN AGU Grant Competition
- AGU and GSA Sessions of Interest
- Recent and Upcoming Workshops and Meetings
- New Resources
SEN AGU Grant Competition
The Sediment Experimentalist Network (SEN) is sponsoring a data-sharing contest for graduate students and early career scientists who feel passionate about making their data public. The top three winners will be awarded travel grants in the amount of $1000 for use towards the 2015 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.AGU and GSA sessions of interest
AGU: EP015: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes
Session Description: Physical experiments are a useful tool for studying and simplifying the complex natural systems we seek to understand. Experiments allow us to isolate individual variables ranging from grain scale to landscape scale that are often difficult or impossible to measure in the field. Experiments are often scaled to natural landscapes using system characteristic dimensionless numbers. However, many scientists have been able to reproduce natural phenomena without rigorous dynamical scaling. This session aims to represent experimental studies in surface processes across all temporal and spatial scales. We especially encourage submissions that emphasize improvements on understanding experimental scaling and linking experiments to natural systems and numerical models.Conveners: Anastasia Piliouras; Kimberly Litwin Miller, John B Shaw, Kyle M Straub
AGU and GSA sessions organized by the EarthCube Outreach team
- AGU: IN013: Creating Effective Information Access and Infrastructure to Resolve Complex Science Research Questions
- AGU: IN021: Facilitating Open Science and Data through Scientist Engagement and Evolving Technology
- GSA: T45. Transforming the Life of the Geoscientist from Planning to Post-Submission: Cyberinfrastructure as an Agent of Change
Recent and Upcoming Workshops and Meetings
Photos from the Mixed Sediment Modelling Workshop
In late May, the workshop on Modelling Mixed-Sediment River Morphodynamics took place in Delft, the Netherlands. See a photo album from the talks and experiments here.
Binghamton Symposium: Laboratory Experiments in Geomorphology
The 46th Annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium will take place on Friday, September 18 to Sunday, September 20, 2015 in Buffalo, NY, with the theme of Laboratory Experiments in Geomorphology.
All are encouraged to bring a poster to share their work. Poster abstracts due on August 1.
See the second circular and more information at https://www.ubevents.org/event/bgs46.
Need a model for exploring your sediment-related research question? A large collection of community-contributed surface dynamics models reside in the CSDMS model repository. When was the last time you browsed it?See the second circular and more information at https://www.ubevents.org/event/bgs46.
New Resources
New experimental data description template
SEN has published a recommended experimental data description template in the paper Data management, sharing, and reuse in experimental geomorphology: Challenges, strategies, and scientific opportunities (2015, Geomorphology, Hsu, Martin, McElroy, Litwin-Miller, Kim).
We are looking for feedback on the proposed template and any suggestions or comments. sedimentexp@gmail.com
A new interface to browse sediment dynamics models
The EarthCube GeoSoft project has built a new interface that allows you to quickly search and compare CSDMS models.
Read more at New interface to browse sediment dynamics models.
Read more at New interface to browse sediment dynamics models.