Check out this upcoming EarthCube Tools webinar being organized by the EarthCube Science Committee on CINERGI (Community Inventory of EarthCube Resources for Geoscience Interoperability):
"We are excited to continue the webinar series: Doing Geoscience with EarthCube Tools, on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, at 2 pm EST (11 am PST) with our guest Ilya Zaslavsky of the San Diego Supercomputer Center on CINERGI: Community Inventory of EarthCube Resources for Geoscience Interoperability. CINERGI is an EarthCube tool that enables and accelerates data discovery and access across multiple disciplines. It is currently being further developed to provide additional significant capability, and serves some important functions of the EarthCube Architecture being designed."
Find call and event details here and links to all tools webinars and resources here. The webinar is free and all are welcome.
More on the upcoming CINERGI presentation:
CINERGI: Community Inventory of EarthCube Resources for Geoscience Interoperability.
Discovering, interpreting and re-using data across geoscience domains is a core EarthCube challenge. Metadata is often inconsistent and incomplete; repositories follow different domain standards and semantics; many datasets aren’t registered in catalogs and exist on individual web sites – these are some of the key obstacles faced by researchers. CINERGI is an EarthCube Building Block project ( cinergi) to create technology components that enable cross-disciplinary data discovery. Metadata descriptions harvested from geoscience repositories and through community contributions are automatically enhanced, which includes generation of relevant keywords based on text analytics, derivation of spatial extents, and validation of organization names mentioned in the metadata. Automatic generation of keywords, in turn, is based on a cross-domain bridge ontology, which integrates several existing geoscience ontologies and controlled vocabularies, and on GeoSciGraph, a system for text parsing, vocabulary management and semantic annotation. Once processed, the metadata records are indexed and republished as ISO-19115/19139 documents with embedded semantic references to the ontologies integrated in CINERGI, along with provenance information for each record, and made available via a search portal and web service requests. The webinar will describe the main system components (the metadata augmentation pipeline; the underlying CINERGI ontology and semantic services; services and user interfaces for resource discovery and access; and accompanying provenance and validation services), present the current state of the system, and demonstrate its use in several cross-domain data discovery use cases.
More on the EarthCube Tools series:
The EarthCube Tools webinar series, organized by the Science Committee of the NSF-sponsored EarthCube program, provides practical demonstrations of how EarthCube projects can help you to collect, access, share, and visualize geoscience data. Each webinar begins with a showcase of an EarthCube funded project followed by ample time for questions and conversation. Wary of EarthCube jargon? Presenters will describe their projects in plain English for scientists in all disciplines who may be unfamiliar with EarthCube. Here’s a chance for you (and your colleagues, team members, and students) to learn about EarthCube and how it can help to advance your scientific work. More information on the webinar series is available here. Archived video will be available on the website about one week after the webinar.