Tuesday, November 22, 2016

HYDRALAB Workshop on Scaling and Optical techniques for Hydraulic Experiments

From Stuart J. McLelland:

Dear All,

HYDRALAB+ is providing an opportunity for PhD students and Early Careers Researchers to participate in a workshop on Scaling issues in hydraulic models and optical measurement techniques. The workshop will include presentations on scaling and optical methods for measurements in fluids. Participants will get hands-on experience with different measurement techniques in four different laboratory experiments and will learn how to process and analyse data before present their results and interpretations.

The workshop will take place at IMFT (UMR 5502), Toulouse, France on 18-20 January 2017. The techniques covered during the workshop will include: 2D-2C Particle Image Velocimetry, Laser Doppler Anemometry, Ombroscopy, and Altimetry using fringe projection.

If you are interested in participating, please apply by 5th December 2016 using the application form at the web address below. The cost of accommodation and some meals will be included and there is funding available towards travel costs.

Poster advertising full details of workshop: http://hydralab.eu/assets/dms/invitation-new-researcher-workshop.pdf

Weblink to overview and application form: http://hydralab.eu/taking-part/hydralab-next-generation-researchers-workshop/

Stuart McLelland

Dr Stuart McLelland
Head of Geography
Geography, School of Environmental Sciences
University of Hull

Tel (office/lab): 01482 465007/381050
Mobile: 07590 689665
Twitter: @StuartMcLelland

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Upcoming webinar on SuAVE tool for sharing and visually exploring surveys and image collections - Friday, 11/18

Please take note of the next in the series of "EarthCube Tools" webinars, which will be useful for any scientists needing to share and visualize surveys and image collections.

Title: SuAVE - Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration

Friday, November 18, at 2 pm EST (1 PM CST, 12 PM MST, 11 AM PST, 9 AM HST)

Presenters: Ilya Zaslavsky, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Description: SuAVE is a new online tool for sharing and visually exploring surveys and image collections. It originated in the CINERGI Building Block project and has been used to analyze the EarthCube Member Survey, and then for CINERGI Community Resource Viewers. With SuAVE you can publish your data online (mixed numeric and text data, and images), slice and dice the data based on any combination of attributes, visualize general patterns and drill down to outliers, explore various data views, annotate your findings, and share annotations with collaborators. See http://suave.sdsc.edu for examples in the geosciences and other fields including sociology, biology and ecology, archaeology, art history and humanities, urban planning, and medical informatics.

Call-in and event details are available here.
About the webinars:The EarthCube Tools webinar series, organized by the Science Committee of the NSF-sponsored EarthCube program, provides practical demonstrations of how EarthCube projects can help you to collect, access, share, and visualize geoscience data.  Each webinar begins with a showcase of an EarthCube funded project followed by ample time for questions and conversation.  Wary of EarthCube jargon?  Presenters will describe their projects in plain English for scientists in all disciplines who may be unfamiliar with EarthCube.  Here’s a chance for you (and your colleagues, team members, and students) to learn about EarthCube and how it can help to advance your scientific work.  More information on the webinar series is available here.  Archived video will be available on the website about one week after the webinar.

Upcoming webinar:
"CINERGI," Ilya Zaslavsky (San Diego Supercomputer Center)
Friday, January 20, 2017, 2 pm EST (1 PM CST, 12 PM MST, 11 AM PST, 9 AM HST)