Complexity and Predictability in Depositional Systems
The National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics is proud to provide ongoing support for the 6th annual Summer Institute for Earth-surface Dynamics. The SIESD engages graduate students and young researchers in interdisciplinary investigation of Earth-surface processes based on integration of theory, physical experiments, field work and numerical modeling. This year’s theme builds on the SIESD 2013 theme of linking surface processes and depositional records, with a new focus on formal, quantitative analysis of complexity and its effect on prediction both of evolution and change in present-day systems and of 3D structure in the subsurface. The key objective in this year’s SIESD is to develop a working knowledge of analysis tools that can help us navigate the complexity of surface-process interactions to provide insights into the behavior of depositional systems.Participant costs (enrollment, accommodation, and on-site meals) are supported by NCED. Students will be responsible for the cost of transportation to and from Minnesota and for all incidental expenses.
Dates and Location:
August 12-21, 2014 Minneapolis, MN
The Summer Institute is directed towards graduate students in the final years of their PhD program, postdocs, or early career scientists (three years from PhD). Applications from women, minorities and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged.
Application Procedure:
Online application and instructions are available at: Applica-
tions are open now. Notification of placement will be announced June 2014.
Application Deadline:
June 20, 2014
Deb Pierzina (Email:
For more information:
The 6th Annual SIESD is organized by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center funded by the Office of Integrated Activities under agreement EAR-1020914