We are excited to announce a session at the AGU Fall Meeting that brings together experimentalists, modelers, and field practitioners. Please contribute to the session to show the strength of our experimentalist community.
EP005. Connecting natural landscapes to experimental and numerical models of Earth and planetary surface evolution
Experimental and numerical modeling approaches in geomorphology provide distinctive insights that gain relevance through comparison to direct observations of natural landscapes. This session considers how to connect, validate, and benchmark experimental and numerical models alongside field observations. We seek contributions exploring how to link experimental, numerical, and field approaches across a range of processes, scales, methods, and model complexities. Contributions exploring all aspects of such linkages are welcome, including those focused solely on experiments, numerics, or field data.
Invited Speakers:
Man Liang (University of Texas, Austin)
Mark Schmeeckle (Arizona State University)
Gary Parker (University of Illinois)
Dan Hobley (University of Colorado)
Leslie Hsu (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Raleigh Martin (University of Pennsylvania)
Nicole Gasparini (Tulane University)
The abstract submission deadline is August 6, 2013,
Abstract Submission : https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/scientific-program/abstract-submission-policies/