Dear Sediment Experimentalists,
We have set up several activities in December related to Earth surface experiments. We will make as much information available as possible online for those who cannot attend in person. Please contact us with any questions or comments at Hope to see you in December!
(1) AGU Town Hall
(2) AGU Sessions
(3) Experimental Stratigraphy Workshop
(4) New webpage
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(1) AGU Town Hall
7 Dec 2012 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Moscone West - Room 2007
This town hall follows up on last year's community discussion on surface processes, and focuses more directly on experiments andexperimental data and practices. Panelists include James Syvitski, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou, Aaron Packman, Rick Hooper, Paul Cutler, and Alex Densmore. We will focus on learning from and linking with existing initiatives, and involving journal editors in our discussion. Come participate in the community discussion on how to best share our knowledge. Lunch is provided.
(2) AGU Sessions
Friday, December 7
EP51D. Advances in Experimental Earth Surface Processes I
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM; 2008 (Moscone West)
EP53A. Advances in Experimental Earth Surface Processes II Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C (Moscone South)
See the AGU 2012 Fall Meeting Scientific Program for more information
2012 December 11-12, University of Texas, Austin
This workshop will bring together on-site and virtual participants with expertise from experimentalists, modelers, and field geologists in the fields of Earth surface processes, geomorphology, and stratigraphy.
In the coming weeks we will post information on the workshop webpage on how to participate online and view the experiment in the STEP basin, watch the talks, and participate in the discussion. Discussion from the workshop will be documented and shared with the NSF EarthCube effort, so we greatly appreciate all of your comments and participation.
We've collected all of our information for you on a new webpage. Let us know if you have any suggestions, especially on the Links page.
Happy experimenting,
Leslie Hsu
Wonsuck Kim
Raleigh Martin
Brandon McElroy
Leslie Hsu
Wonsuck Kim
Raleigh Martin
Brandon McElroy